Unloading the Wadkin

Harriet is standing between the table saw and the big roller shutter getting ready to push the table saw off the pallet.

Righto, as I’m not getting a crane any time soon I’d best have a go at getting the Wadkin off the pallet on my own.

Harriet is kneeling by the pallet in her workshop undoing the screws and removing the wooden blocks securing the table saw to the pallet.
The timber and screws can be kept.

One advantage of having a railway in the garden is having access to random lengths of useful track.

Harriet is placing a length of narrow gauge railway track, with built in sleepers, onto the edge of the pallet as a ramp. The packing timbers are piled up on one side and the blue rope is on top of the table saw.
Useful stuff, this rail track…

Now if I just pry the Wadkin up I can slip a couple of bits of steel conduit underneath. That should help it slide more easily.

Harriet is using a long crowbar to lift the table saw just enough to kick a piece of steel conduit tube under one side. There is already a conduit under the other side.
Just get this under there…

Lets see how easily this pushes.

Harriet is standing between the table saw and the big roller shutter getting ready to push the table saw off the pallet.

Whoops! That went a bit too easily!

Harriet has pushed the table saw onto the end of the railway track ramp.
Oooer, not too fast!

OK, now shuffle it onto the track…

Harriet is easing the table saw onto the railway track ramp while standing on the pallet.
Gently does it.

…And gently slide it down the track.
Don’t want it falling off the end just yet.

The table saw is at the far end of the railway track ramp, and Harriet is checking that it hasn’t fallen off the end.
Good good, just don’t slide any further.

So if I shove a bit of wood under the end of the track and lift the pallet, it should gently drop onto the wood.

Harriet has placed a bit of the four by two packing timber under the raised end of the railway track and has started lifting the far end of the pallet to pull it out from under the end of the track.
Lift and wiggle…

And with a bit of conduit under the track I can lever out the wood. A small drop at a time.

Harriet has placed a steel conduit tube under the raised end of the railway track and is levering out the four by two timber with the crowbar.
And another little drop…

So now just lever the track up a bit and slide the conduit out.

Harriet is using the crowbar to lift the end of the railway track so she can kick the conduit out from under it.
Last drop to floor level.

Now to push the Wadkin back to where I want it in the workshop.

Harriet is pushing the table saw back along the railway track towards the big roller shutter.
Now just push it back again.

And if I can push it onto the conduits again I can move it about.

Harriet is easing the table saw onto the steel conduit tubes at the end of the railway track.
And off the track onto the roller.

That’s not too difficult to spin it around to face the right way.

Harriet is pushing the table saw around on the conduit tubes to orientate it ninety degrees around from where it started.
Spin it around this way…

That’s a better position, I can work with it here.

Harriet is standing in front of the big roller shutter looking a the table saw in the direction she will be using it. She has her hands on her hips.
…That’s about right.

So now just roll it this way until a conduit pops out…

Harriet is pushing the table saw away and one of the conduit tubes has slipped out from underneath.
Now off the rollers…

…And then the other way to get the other one out.

Harriet is now pushing the table saw back and the other conduit tube has slipped out from the other side.
…Houston, the Eagle has landed!

There, perfect. Well, I might need to adjust it a bit but I think it is in the right place.

Go On Monty, You can play with the rope for a bit.

The table saw is now completely on the ground and Harriet is standing at one end, by the big roller shutter, as if using it. She has given the blue rope to Monty Dog to play with.
Go on Monty, have the rope.

And if I build a new work bench with an 8’x4’ birch ply top at this height it will be a good out feed table, and much bigger then the old bench.
And if I need to cut big sheets I can open the shutter and feed in from outside.

Harriet has placed a pair of saw horses on the floor and put a sheet of eight foot by four foot plywood sheet on top to make a work bench on the out feed end of the table saw.
This’ll do.