I guess it is time for a proper introduction! Continue reading “A dog and a bench!”
Category: Harriet Board’s Blog
The blog for Harriet Board 1:12 scale miniature maker.
Return of the Dog!
I am going to bring the dog back today. Continue reading “Return of the Dog!”
Shopping is for dogs…
Well, I keep on trying to get started on this project for @ScienceGirlCan and it just isn’t happening. Continue reading “Shopping is for dogs…”
News from the vet
The vet said good news is the dog has an infected paw. Continue reading “News from the vet”
Phone call!
Righto, so back in the workshop.
I have a little commission to build for @ScienceGirlCan. Continue reading “Phone call!”
Hi everyone, sorry I’ve been really quiet. Continue reading “Woof!”
Joining in with #MakersHour
This week I decided to join in with the @GuildOfMakers #MakersHour on Social Media. Continue reading “Joining in with #MakersHour”
Upwardly mobile!
Anyway with Flo’s lovely gift outside I thought I’d better see if there is space in the workshop for it all. Continue reading “Upwardly mobile!”
A delivery
What’s this? Continue reading “A delivery”
Cluttered workshop!
I come in, after a weekend, to do some work and what do I find?!!! Continue reading “Cluttered workshop!”