I’ve done it again and made a thing and forgot to take photos until it was nearly done! Continue reading “Bracing The Torque”
Category: Electric Car Blog
A blog about converting my car to electric drive.
Hanging the transmission
I finished making the transmission cross-member today. Of course I forgot to take photos of the process due to running back and forth from the welding workshop to the car checking the fit. Continue reading “Hanging the transmission”
Making a transmission mount.
I did a bit of cardboard template making today, to decide how to make the mounting brackets for the transmission. Continue reading “Making a transmission mount.”
Making the Transmission mount
Due to a rotten night’s sleep I needed to do something physically challenging, and mentally stimulating, to keep me awake. And as it wasn’t raining this afternoon it was a chance to work on the car again. Continue reading “Making the Transmission mount”
Transmission located
Given a few days of work or rain, and rain and work, there was a break in the weather today, Sunday afternoon, I did a little bit more work on the conversion. Continue reading “Transmission located”
Trial fit of transaxle
After a ten month pause, I have finally started to tackle the conversion again and decided to attempt a trial fit of the transaxle. Continue reading “Trial fit of transaxle”
Pallet unpacking
The pallet of stuff from Damien Maguire has arrived! Frustratingly it was supposed to arrive on Tuesday, when I had taken a day off to wait for it and get it unpacked and put away. It didn’t arrive. Continue reading “Pallet unpacking”
To fill a hole, or two.
Today is a metal work and woodwork day.
I decided to make pieces to close the holes where the gearstick mechanism was. Continue reading “To fill a hole, or two.”
Exhausting work
With the transport of EV parts underway from Ireland I needed to get back on the car. I have been a bit busy recently and rather exhausted from lack of sleep. I have also been installing some low voltage Solar PV on my trailer, so not idle. Continue reading “Exhausting work”
The ICE has left the building!
This wasn’t the plan today. I was only going to check if I had the right splined driver bit to undo the CV joints. Having no idea what sort or size it would be Continue reading “The ICE has left the building!”