A bicycle adventure part one…

Harriet is walking her Brompton bicycle out of her workshop shutters as seen from outside. Her bicycle is towing a trailer. The workshop interior is seen in the back ground.

OK, so how far could one tow a pallet truck with a folding bicycle?!!!

I knew there would be a downside from my last post here.

Hmmm, I wonder if I can make a trailer from 4x2s?

Harriet is standing next to her tool bag and bicycle looking at some four by two timber. She is scratching her chin, thinking.
Hmmm, wood would do…

Lets get started on this then. This will do to hold an axle for my old trailer wheels.

Harriet is carrying a length of timber to the workbench.
Let’s get going then.
Harriet is sawing the timber to length using her had saw.
Cut on the waste side of the line!

Just gotta get this axle screwed down securely.

I mean, safety first and all that….

Harriet has a metal axe tube laid onto the timber and is screwing it down with her cordless screwdriver.
Zip zip. It’s a good driver.

OK, just drill some holes….

Harriet is drilling holes in the middle of a long length of timber.
Keeping holes plumb and true.

Screw these two bits together….

This is silly! Who’s stupid idea was it to bring back a pallet truck with a bicycle!

Harriet has the timber placed over the axle on the floor, and is screwing them together.
Make sure it’s square…

Just cut a notch here to make a hook….

Harriet is cutting a notch into the end of a long timber.
Careful here, needs to be accurate.

Cut it up into shorter bits…

Harriet is cutting the timber into shorter pieces.
How many bits do I need?

Drill some holes….

Tell me this is a ridiculous idea!
I blame Flo @52_square myself. She encouraged me!

Harriet is looking at the short pieces of timber and deciding where to drill holes. Her cordless drill and cordless screwdriver are on the bench.
How many holes? How many screws?

Just a big screw here…

And a big screw there…

Here a screw, there a screw…

This cannot be safe!
I really don’t believe I am doing this!!!

Harriet is kneeling on the floor with her cordless screwdriver and some big screws. The timber is being assembled to form a drawbar for her trailer. Her bicycle is next to her.
I hope this will be strong enough…

Well, it tows. I guess that is a start.

Harriet, seen from behind, is standing astride her bicycle with the trailer attached. The trailer now has wheels.
Test run time!

This is really crazy!
Either I am going to crash, or worse, get arrested!
Why did I let myself get talked into this?
I don’t even need a pallet truck!

I need locking up and the landlord is gonna kill me when he sees what I’ve bought!

Harriet is standing astride her bicycle with the trailer attached. Seen from the front.
How’s it looking?!!

Brompton bicycle, check.
Scary, cobbled together trailer, check.
Hi-viz, check.
Helmet, check.

OK, wish me luck!

Harriet is walking her Brompton Bicycle out of the workshop shutters. The bicycle is towing her roughly made wooden trailer.
Deep breath…

I am off to do that stupid thing of collecting a pallet truck with a folding bike!

Why am I doing this?!!!!

Harriet is walking her Brompton bicycle out of her workshop shutters as seen from outside. Her bicycle is towing a trailer. The workshop interior is seen in the back ground.
…Off we go!

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